in kyoto or osaka , many people put the postfix ' ke ?' instead of standard ' ka ?' in interrogative sentence , however , in maizuru , this ' ka ' or ' ke ' turns to ' ko ?' 疑問文の語尾に付ける「~か?」が、京都や大阪等では「~け?」となることが有るが、舞鶴では「~こ?」となる。
further , ' ~shitotten ' in maizuru-ben dialect is the same as the interrogative ' ~shiteiruno ?' (are you doing ~ ) in standard japanese language while the same ' ~shitotten ' in osaka-ben dialect is a past form , ' ~shite-ita ' (i was doing ~ ) of standard japanese and completely different from the maizuru-ben dialect in its meaning and intonation . また舞鶴弁の「-しとってん」は標準語でいう「-しているの?」の疑問形であり、大阪弁の「しとってん」として使われる過去形とは全く異なり、発音のイントネーションが明らかに違う。
a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations" Synonyms: question, interrogation, interrogative sentence,
some linguists consider interrogative sentences to constitute a mood Synonyms: interrogative mood,
relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation Synonyms: interrogatory,
relating to verbs in the so-called interrogative mood; "not all questions have an interrogative construction"