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isu 意味



  • ISU
    {略-1} :
    Illinois State University
    《米》イリノイ州立大学{しゅうりつ だいがく}◆【URL】http://www.ilstu.edu/
    {略-2} :
    International Scientific Union
    {略-3} :
    International Shooting Union
    {略-4} :
    International Skating Union
    {略-5} :
    International Space University

  • istvan    {人名} : イストヴァン、イシュトバーン、イシュトバン、イステバン、イストバン◆男
  • ists     ISTS {略} : International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 宇宙科学技術に関する国際シンポジウム
  • isub defining    iSUB defining iSUB定義[電情]
  • istrian    {名?形} : イストリア(人)の
  • isub expression    iSUB expression iSUB式[電情]
  • istria peninsula    {地名} : イストリア半島
  • isub variable    iSUB variable iSUB変数[電情]
  • istres    {地名} : イストル
  • isub-defined array    iSUB-defined array iSUB被定義配列[電情]


  • i've been thinking ,and ,um , the only thing that i ... about right now is that isu t and e ba are oy .
    俺は、ただ...... 君と赤ちゃんが無事なことが一番大事だ。
  • according to kushiki-ryo , an " i " document began with a sentence saying " xxx {name of sender ] isu yyy [name of recipient ]" in the first line , described the main content in and below the second line , and generally finished with a sentence saying " kotosara-ni isu " ; if the sender was legally authorized to give orders and instructions to a recipient with whom he did not have a hierarchical relationship , the last sentence of the main content was " motte isu ," making the " i " into an order .
  • according to kushiki-ryo , an " i " document began with a sentence saying " xxx {name of sender ] isu yyy [name of recipient ]" in the first line , described the main content in and below the second line , and generally finished with a sentence saying " kotosara-ni isu " ; if the sender was legally authorized to give orders and instructions to a recipient with whom he did not have a hierarchical relationship , the last sentence of the main content was " motte isu ," making the " i " into an order .
  • according to kushiki-ryo , an " i " document began with a sentence saying " xxx {name of sender ] isu yyy [name of recipient ]" in the first line , described the main content in and below the second line , and generally finished with a sentence saying " kotosara-ni isu " ; if the sender was legally authorized to give orders and instructions to a recipient with whom he did not have a hierarchical relationship , the last sentence of the main content was " motte isu ," making the " i " into an order .
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