laxly 意味
- lax?ly
- laxity of the bowels 下痢{げり}
- laxity of the abdominal muscle 腹筋{ふっきん}の弛緩{しかん}
- laxness laxness 退廃 頽廃 たいはい
- laxity of one's morals 素行{そこう}のだらしなさ
- laxness of joints 関節弛緩{かんせつ しかん}
- laxity of ligaments 靱帯{じんたい}の弛緩{しかん}
- lay lay v. 置く, 横たえる, 配置する; 課する; (卵を)生む. 【副詞1】 Lay ashore ! 〔海事〕 陸へ a book of continuous and enthralling charm that, once opened, is hard to lay aside 一度開くと容易にやめられないほど終わりまで夢中にさせる魅力のある本
- laxity in personal cleanliness 身体の清潔に関する不注意
- lay at the door of láy O1 at the dóor of O2 ((正式)) O1〈罪?失敗など〉をO2〈人〉のせいにする.
- Adverb
- in a permissively lenient manner; "he felt incensed that Tarrant should have been treated so leniently given his crime"
Synonyms: leniently, leniently, - in a permissively lenient manner; "he felt incensed that Tarrant should have been treated so leniently given his crime"
Synonyms: leniently, leniently,