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legal 意味

発音記号:[ 'li:gəl ]  読み方



  • very much the same way as our legal team had done
    私たち弁護団が 過去7年間してきたのと
  • and his first hire was a legal services attorney
    まず彼が採用したのは 患者の代理人となる
  • that's not gonna happen , not without a legal reason .
    法的理由なしでは 手が出せん
  • however there is no legal proof to back this up .
  • and the legal community , and even the college community
    法曹界や 大学の教育界に
  • he was the legal child of tametomo and princess shiranui .
  • right now , all nonhuman animals are legal things .
    現時点で人間以外の動物は 全て物です
  • so for centuries , there's been a great legal wall
    何世紀もの間 法律上の人と物の間には
  • then , the chief served as her legal guardian ...
    それから 所長 ずっと未成年後見人として
  • he tried to understand unfamiliar legal terms
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules

  • of or relating to jurisprudence; "legal loophole"

  • relating to or characteristic of the profession of law; "the legal profession"

  • Adjective
  • allowed by official rules; "a legal pass receiver"

  • having legal efficacy or force; "a sound title to the property"
    Synonyms: sound, effectual,

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