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live-in 意味



  • live-in
  • live     1live v. 住む, 暮らす; 生きる. 【副詞1】 live abroad 外国に住む live abstemiously 節制した生活をする, 質素な生活をする live affluently 裕福に暮らす live again 生き返る live alone 独りで暮らす He lives apart f
  • live by    {1} : ~の力を借りて生きる、~に頼って生きる、~で生活する Medicines are not meant to live by. 《諺》薬は頼って生きるためのものではない。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (信条?規則)に従って生きる[生活する?
  • live for    {1} : ~のために生きる What do you live for? あなたの生き甲斐は何ですか? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : ~に命を懸ける、~一筋{ひとすじ}の人生{じんせい}だ◆冗談めいた軽い意味でも使う。
  • live in    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
  • live it    (競走相手に)ついて行く
  • live on    ~を常食{じょうしょく}とする、~で生活{せいかつ}を立てる、~を糧として生きる Usually, cows live on a diet of grass. ふつう乳牛は草を常食としている。 His pay is not enough to live on. 彼の給料では食べていけない。 He has enough money in the bank to live on his inter
  • live to    ~まで生きる
  • live with     líve with O (1) 〈人〉と一緒に住む,…に寄宿[下宿]する;[遠回しに]〈異性〉と同棲する. (2) 〈不快な事?困難が予想される事〉を(じっと)受け入れる,我慢する I can ~ with that. ((略式))私はそれで結構です. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  • they live    {映画} : ゼイ?リブ◆米1988《監督》ジョン?カーペンター《出演》ロディ?パイパー、キース?デイヴィッド、メグ?フォスター
  • to live    to live 生を享ける せいをうける 住する じゅうする 生きる いきる 在る ある 住まう すまう 暮らす くらす 棲む すむ
  • to live in    to live in 住む すむ 住み込む すみこむ
  • to live with    to live with 住み込む すみこむ
  • will to live    生きようとする決意
  • live a live of self-denial    無私{むし}の生活{せいかつ}を送る
  • live and let live    お互いに邪魔{じゃま}せずやっていく It's no use fighting with him over this, just live and let live. これについて彼とけんかしても無駄だから、お互い邪魔せずにやっていきなさい。


  • they were live-in servants who did mainly odd jobs .
  • girls at the age of 10 were sent out to their landlord ' s houses or other villages as live-in babysitters .
  • this type of steward system is known as " full-time (or live-in ) steward " system ( " kyo jito " in japanese ).
  • if a person libels lay and live-in believers who read the hoke-kyo sutra with a curse , his sin would be very heavy .'
  • due to some circumstances , oishi ran away from home and was working for a carpenter as a live-in help in hinojuku , bushuhino city .
  • the son of a senior vassal was sometimes appointed to be a companion or close associate (sobashu ) to the son of a lord as a live-in kosho .
  • under the live-in system , the abc ' s of shopkeeping , such as etiquette and formality , were thoroughly hammered in by banto (a head clerk ) and tedai (a clerk ).
  • the arrangement didn ' t last long and after a while , he went to kyoto and became a live-in worker in the dried food shop of funaya shobee in higashinotoin manjuji .
  • when yasuhisa studied at the hoensha , there were only four live-in disciples including senji ishii who was the school manager , tomita doke , eijiro sugioka and yasuhisa tamura .
  • as a result , it became difficult to maintain the form of decchi-boko comprising ' long-term live-in work with housing , food , and clothing virtually with no pay ' .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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