登録 ログイン

lug 意味



  • lug at    {句動} : 強くひく、グイッと引っ張る
  • lug in    {句動-1} : (馬がコースの)内にささる -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (話を)持ち出す
  • lug into    {句動} : (話を)持ち出す
  • attachment lug    取付金具{とりつけ かなぐ}
  • bracket lug    bracket lug ハンガラック[自動車]; ハンガラッグ[自動車]
  • by the lug and the horn    力ずくで
  • casting lug    casting lug 鋳べそ[機械]
  • chinese lug    中国式ラグスル
  • chucking lug    chucking lug チャッキング取手[金属]
  • chug a lug    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {自動} :
  • chug-a-lug    {名} : 一気飲み -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {自動} : 一気{いっき}に飲む
  • clasp lug    鉤脚
  • connecting lug    connecting lug 接続ラグ[化学]
  • draft lug    draft lug 伴板守(ともいたもり)[機械]〈99E4001:鉄道車両用語〉; 伴板守[機械]
  • drop the lug on    (人)に金をせびる


  • you and the big lug have another little spat ?
    あなたともう1人の 気取り屋は喧嘩でもしたの?
  • you wouldn't lug a package up the escalator .
    君もエスカレーターで 重い荷物は運ばないだろ?
  • i'm a cop . where's your lug wrench at ? nono !
    発掘を始める明日の 都合はどうかね
  • if there ain't all that much to lug around
    ♫ でも引きずるほどのものがない身なら ♫
  • we've found her , lug , we've found her .
    見つけたぞ、 ラグ! ついに見つけたんだ!
  • we've found her , lug , we've found her .
    見つけたぞ、 ラグ! ついに見つけたんだ!
  • looking for the biggest . meanest lug around and finding me .
    最も卑劣で愚かな奴を求め 俺を見つけたんだ
  • letting them help you lug somebody's furniture upstairs ?
    二階まで家具を引きずり上げるのを 手伝わせることが?
  • what about the big lug over there ?
  • i'm sure wherever he is , the big lug can take care of himself .
    彼が何所にいようと分かる 大きな男性が彼の面倒を見てる
  • もっと例文:  1  2


  • marine worms having a row of tufted gills along each side of the back; often used for fishing bait
    Synonyms: lugworm, lobworm,

  • a projecting piece that is used to lift or support or turn something

  • a sail with four corners that is hoisted from a yard that is oblique to the mast
    Synonyms: lugsail,

  • Verb
  • carry with difficulty; "You''ll have to lug this suitcase"
    Synonyms: tote, tug,

  • obstruct; "My nose is all stuffed"; "Her arteries are blocked"
    Synonyms: stuff, choke up, block,

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