then , lyricism may be the essence of tanka poetry . すべてが抒情であるとも言える。
then , lyricism may be the essence of tanka poetry . すべてが抒情であるとも言える。
at the height of romantic lyricism 頂点たるオーストリアでの話で
she was a poet of great skill , but her style of poetry also had profound lyricism . その作風は多分に技巧的でありながらも、豊かな叙情性をも兼ね備えている。
he directed " oatsurae jirokichi koshi " (jirokichi the rat ), a love story full of lyricism . リリシズム溢れる恋愛物『御誂次郎吉格子』を監督。
in part , these incidents gave lyricism and a negative effect on the ' taisho roman ' which further pulled the people . むしろこれらの事々のほうが「大正浪漫」に叙情性や負の彩りを添えて、人々をさらに蠱惑する側面もある。
we went on to successively release works overflowing with humor and rich in lyricism such as " kanojo " (girlfriend ), " hazukashii yume " (shameful dream ) and " mura no hanayome " (village bride ). 引き続き、『彼女』、『恥しい夢』、『村の花嫁』など、ユーモアあふれたそれでいて叙情性豊かな作品を次々と発表する。
the sharp eye and fresh lyricism of kondo , who admired marxism when he was young and who also came into contact with christianity , are ideally suited for someone who can be said to be poet of the social school of thought . 若いころマルクス主義に傾倒し、キリスト教にも触れた近藤の社会の現実に触れた鋭い眼差しと清新な抒情は社会派歌人と言われるに相応しい。
many tales composed from the eleventh to twelfth centuries clearly discarded the tradition before " utsuho monogatari " and depended instead on " the tale of genji ," in that they had careful narration , excellent psychological descriptions , detailed descriptions rather than eventful stories , and a tendency toward lyricism and refinement . 11世紀より12世紀にかけて成立した数々の物語は、その丁寧な叙述と心理描写のたくみさ、話の波乱万丈ぶりよりも決めこまやかな描写と叙情性や風雅を追求しようとする性向において、あきらかに『宇津保物語』以前の系譜を断ちきり、『源氏物語』に拠っている。
there are several poets representative of this period , such as yamabe no akahito who wrote descriptive poetry depicting scenery and landscape , otomo no tabito who wrote choka full of elegance and lyricism , yamanoue no okura who wrote poems sympathetic to those facing hard times and the lower strata of society , takahashi no mushimaro who wrote poems to show the true nature of various legends , and otomo no sakanoue no iratsume who composed poems with the pathos of a woman . 代表的歌人は、自然の風景を描き出すような叙景歌に優れた山部赤人(やまべのあかひと)、風流で叙情にあふれる長歌を詠んだ大伴旅人、人生の苦悩と下層階級への暖かいまなざしをそそいだ山上憶良(やまのうえのおくら)、伝説のなかに本来の姿を見出す高橋虫麻呂(むしまろ)、女性の哀感を歌にした大伴坂上郎女(さかのうえのいらつめ)などである。