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major 意味

発音記号:[ 'meidʒə ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: majored   動詞 過去分詞: majored   名詞 複数形: majors   動詞 現在分詞: majoring   
"major"の例文"major" 中国語の意味


  • a major    A major イ長調 イちょうちょう
  • major in    ~を専攻{せんこう}する I majored in Chinese history at my university. 私は大学で中国史を専攻した。 What do you major in? 専攻(科目)は何ですか?
  • (major) emphasis    (major) emphasis 力説 りきせつ
  • (major) flank    (major) flank 逃げ面[機械]〈97B0171:ドリル用語〉
  • aphthae major    大アフタ
  • b major    B major ロ長調 ロちょうちょう
  • brigade major    旅団副官{りょだん ふくかん}
  • by major classification    主要{しゅよう}な分類{ぶんるい}に従って
  • c major    C major ハ長調 ハちょうちょう
  • canis major    《星座》大犬座{おおいぬざ}◆【略】CMa
  • casus major    〈ラテン語〉災害{さいがい}
  • chorea major    大舞踏病{だい ぶとう びょう}
  • d major    D major ニ長調 ニちょうちょう
  • double major    ダブル?メジャー、二つの学位{がくい}を取得{しゅとく}するために同時{どうじ}に2分野{ぶんや}を専攻{せんこう}すること
  • drum major    drum major 鼓手長 こしゅちょう


  • that i gave my very first major public talk
    私はフォーブス誌の 「30才以下の30人」サミットで
  • wood is the only major material building material
    この2つを可能にする 唯一の建築素材が
  • and the bottom line , major thing that has come through
    最終的には それぞれの訓練で
  • and the bottom line , major thing that has come through
    最終的には それぞれの訓練で
  • the shrimp were then sold to four major global retailers:
  • the major shrines include the following 21 shrines .
  • it's a major topic of american criminal psychology .
  • with major balleseros , swabbing down peter's lab .
    ピーターの研究所で バルセロスと一緒
  • they'll say , major actor gets alzheimer's .
    こうなるだろうな "主演アルツハイマー病にかかる"
  • they'll say , major actor gets alzheimer's .
    こうなるだろうな "主演アルツハイマー病にかかる"
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • greater in number or size or amount; "a major portion (a majority) of the population"; "Ursa Major"; "a major portion of the winnings"

  • greater in scope or effect; "a major contribution"; "a major improvement"; "a major break with tradition"; "a major misunderstanding"

  • of full legal age

  • of a scale or mode; "major scales"; "the key of D major"

  • of the field of academic study in which one concentrates or specializes; "his major field was mathematics"

  • of greater importance or stature or rank; "a major artist"; "a major role"; "major highways"

  • of greater seriousness or danger; "a major earthquake"; "a major hurricane"; "a major illness"

  • Adjective
  • of the elder of two boys with the same family name; "Jones major"

  • Verb
  • have as one''s principal field of study; "She is majoring in linguistics"

  • Noun
  • the principal field of study of a student at a university; "her major is linguistics"

  • a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain

  • a university student who is studying a particular field as the principal subject; "she is a linguistics major"

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