the way you beat up that grocer was masterly , alec . 雑貨屋を殴ったのは 見事だったな アレック
his tenkoku technique was masterly and especially he was good at making casting seals . 篆刻の技術はすこぶる巧みで特に鋳造印を得意とした。
this solemn demonstration of the masterly performance showed skill in handling a kitchen knife , and is considered to be the kitchen knife ceremony of the shijo school , and has been passed on as the kitchen knife ceremony of shijo school to this day . 四条流の庖丁儀式とされる、巧みな庖丁さばきによる荘厳な技術披露が現在でも継承され、行われている。
as is clear from the fact that they were referred to with the names of individuals attached to the days of old joruri , various schools of joruri were synonymous with the masterly performances of individuals instead of the ones to be inherited as patterns . 古浄瑠璃時代にはその人の名を付して何某節と呼ばれていたように、浄瑠璃の流派は多分に個性的な名人芸の代名詞として行われ、決してそれがひとつの様式として後代に受け継がれる性格のものではなかった。
having or revealing supreme mastery or skill; "a consummate artist"; "consummate skill"; "a masterful speaker"; "masterful technique"; "a masterly performance of the sonata"; "a virtuoso performance" Synonyms: consummate, masterful, virtuoso,