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masterly 意味



  • {形} : 見事{みごと}な、名人{めいじん}にふさわしい、巧みな
    He demonstrated his masterly display of cooking techniques. 彼は料理の名人芸を見せてくれた。
    {副} : 見事{みごと}に


  • the way you beat up that grocer was masterly , alec .
    雑貨屋を殴ったのは 見事だったな アレック
  • his tenkoku technique was masterly and especially he was good at making casting seals .
  • this solemn demonstration of the masterly performance showed skill in handling a kitchen knife , and is considered to be the kitchen knife ceremony of the shijo school , and has been passed on as the kitchen knife ceremony of shijo school to this day .
  • as is clear from the fact that they were referred to with the names of individuals attached to the days of old joruri , various schools of joruri were synonymous with the masterly performances of individuals instead of the ones to be inherited as patterns .


  • having or revealing supreme mastery or skill; "a consummate artist"; "consummate skill"; "a masterful speaker"; "masterful technique"; "a masterly performance of the sonata"; "a virtuoso performance"
    Synonyms: consummate, masterful, virtuoso,

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