{名} : 方法論{ほうほうろん}、手順{てじゅん}、やり方、手口{てぐち} The researchers' methodology was the best way of solving problems. その研究員たちのやり方が、問題の解決には最良の方法だった。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【レベル】10、【変化】《複》methodologies、【分節】meth?od?ol?o?gy
methodology methodology n. 方法論. 【動詞+】 develop a new methodology 新しい方法論を開発する follow a methodology known as… …として知られている方法論に従う New discoveries make it necessary to modify scientific methodology.
with 81 methodologies for nonviolent resistance . 非暴力で抵抗する81種類の方法を書きました
research division of cultural research methodologies 文化研究創成研究部門
that methodologies he was working on 活用できるのではと
the methodologies that we use そして結果の確実性について
history had placed too much importance on positivism and treated recognition of history and methodologies of history lightly . 歴史学が実証主義を重視しすぎ、歴史認識や史学方法論を軽んじた。
it is said that the concepts and methodologies of this school is positioned in-between the omotesenke school and the urasenke school , taking over the characteristics of those two major schools . 表千家と裏千家の間の流派と呼ばれ、どちらの特徴にも当てはまる。
the concepts and methodologies of this school is positioned in-between the omotesenke school and the urasenke school , moderating the characteristics of those two major schools to establish its uniqueness . 裏千家と表千家それぞれの中間地点にある。
there are some methodologies to escape from kaminari-sama; the methods such as escaping into a mosquito net , repeating the word " kuwabara (this comes from a tradition that kaminari-sama , who was the ghost of sugawara no michizane , caused serious damage in the capital , but kuwabara , the territory of michizane , was never hit by thunder )" have been believed as effective . 雷さまから逃れるための方法論としては、蚊帳に逃げ込む、桑原(くわばら:菅原道真の亡霊が雷さまとなり、都に被害をもたらしたが、道真の領地の桑原には雷が落ちなかったと言う伝承から由来)と唱える、などが伝えられる。