the total amount of the mintage includes that of mameitagin . 鋳造量には豆板銀を含む。
it has the highest mintage of any current coin . 硬貨の中で最も製造枚数が多い。
the total amount of the mintage is included in that of chogin . 鋳造量は丁銀に含まれる。
the figures in brackets indicate the date of the mintage and silver content percentage (standards ). 括弧内は発行年、銀含有率(規定)。
the figures in brackets give the date of the mintage , the total amount of the mintage and silver content percentage (standards ). 括弧内は発行年、鋳造量、銀含有率(規定)。
the figures in brackets give the date of the mintage , the total amount of the mintage and silver content percentage (standards ). 括弧内は発行年、鋳造量、銀含有率(規定)。
however , ansei chogin was emitted on january 19 , 1860 , after mintage of ansei nishu silver coins was terminated . しかし安政丁銀の発行は安政二朱銀の鋳造停止後の同年12月27日であった。
some of the old local zeniza continued mintage , but they were also brought under control of kin-za . 以前の地方の銭座の中には引き続き鋳銭事業が継続された所もあるが、これらについても金座の監督下に置かれた。
because nearly no documents about mintage at that time have been found , some theories deny the minting of the coin by the edo shogunate . 当時の鋳造記録が殆ど無く、江戸幕府による鋳造を否定する説もある。
since 1997 , when the consumption tax was increased from 3% to 5% , however , their need has decreased and so has their mintage . しかし消費税が3%から5%に増税された1997年以降はあまり必要性が無くなったため製造量を減らし始めている。