misbehavior 意味
- misbehavior n. 不品行, 不行跡, 不身持ち.【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】【+前置詞】
- misbehavior in the performance of one's duties
- misbehavior in the performance of one's duties
- child's misbehavior 子どもの非行{ひこう}
- excessive misbehavior 甚だしい不品行{ふひんこう}
- flagrant misbehavior 目に余る不行跡{ふぎょうせき}
- irresponsible misbehavior 無責任{むせきにん}な不品行{ふひんこう}
- police's misbehavior 警察{けいさつ}の不祥事{ふしょうじ}
- serious misbehavior 重大{じゅうだい}な不行跡{ふぎょうせき}
- sexual misbehavior 性的{せいてき}な嫌がらせ、性的不品行{せいてき ふひんこう}
- willful misbehavior 故意{こい}の不行跡{ふぎょうせき}
- youthful misbehavior 若者{わかもの}の不正行為{ふせい こうい}
- control misbehavior in the classroom 教室内{きょうしつ ない}で不作法{ぶさほう}が行われないようにする
- crack down on corporate misbehavior 法人{ほうじん}の不正行為{ふせい こうい}を厳重{げんじゅう}に取り締まる
- document showing someone's misbehavior (人)の不正行為{ふせい こうい}が示されている文書{ぶんしょ}
- misbehavior in the performance of one's duties 義務遂行上{ぎむ すいこう じょう}の過怠{かたい}
- problem of a student's misbehavior 学生{がくせい}の非行問題{ひこう もんだい}
- misbehaved mìs?be?háved adj. 【形】
- misbehave socially 反社会的なふるまいをする.
- and we try to block their misbehavior using electricity .
誤作動をブロックし - i will tolerate no misbehavior of any kind .
どんな不作法な態度も 許さない - the difference between shaking in this way and not is related to the misbehavior
震えの有無の違いは 視床下核における - the misbehavior of his son nobuhide came from his father ' s haughtiness , and nobumori should be charged for this too .
息子の信栄の不行状も父の驕りを見て育ったからのものであり、信盛の責任である。 - (translation in a colloquial style ) ' it is said that a lord would never commit an immoral act if he had a vassal who could remonstrate him against his misbehavior .
(口訳)「主君の非行を諫争する臣がいれば、その主君は不義を犯すことはないといいます。 - for the misbehavior of nobuhide , it is certain that his parents and family were hugely responsible , but as far as nobumori was doing his duty , it cannot be a reason big enough for the banishment .
- Noun
- improper or wicked or immoral behavior
Synonyms: misbehaviour, misdeed,