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molar 意味

発音記号:[ 'məulə ]  読み方


  • molar...    molar... モル[基礎]
  • molar to molar width    大臼歯間{だいきゅうし かん}の幅
  • back molar    第3大臼歯{だいきゅうし}、奥歯{おくば}
  • false molar    小臼歯{しょうきゅうし}
  • first molar    第一大臼歯{だいいち だいきゅうし}
  • fourth molar    第4大臼歯{だいきゅうし}
  • front molar    第一大臼歯{だいいち だいきゅうし}
  • gram molar    
  • gram-molar    グラム分子{ぶんし}の
  • impacted molar    埋伏{まいふく}している臼歯{きゅうし}
  • milk molar    乳臼歯{にゅう きゅうし}
  • molar absorptivity    molar absorptivity モル吸光係数[化学]〈96確K0212:分析化学用語(光学部門)〉; モル吸光率[化学]
  • molar activity    モル活性{かっせい}
  • molar behavior    モル行動{こうどう}
  • molar cohesion    molar cohesion モル凝集力[化学]


  • between the second bicuspid and second molar ,lower left .
  • better add it , and get ready to write down missing molar .
    逮捕記録を訂正しないと "歯も欠けていた" みたいだ
  • quack the treated molar hurts
    〈ヤブ医者め。 治療した奥歯が痛い...〉
  • i don't know if it was my imagination , but my back molar was hurting .
    「右の奥歯のあたりが 気のせいか痛んで」


  • grinding tooth with a broad crown; located behind the premolars
    Synonyms: grinder,

  • Adjective
  • pertaining to large units of behavior; "such molar problems of personality as the ego functions"--R.R. Hunt

  • containing one mole of a substance; "molar weight"

  • designating a solution containing one mole of solute per liter of solution

  • of or pertaining to the grinding teeth in the back of a mammal''s mouth; "molar teeth"

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