moral 意味
- moral n.
(1) 寓意; 教訓.【動詞+】- I don't think we should read any particular moral into these extraordinary events.
【形容詞 名詞+】【+前置詞】(2) (社会の)風紀, 風儀, 道徳, モラル, (男女間の)品行.【動詞+】【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】- She was a loose girl, with no morals.
- I don't think we should read any particular moral into these extraordinary events.
- (moral) backbone (moral) backbone 気骨 きこつ
- (moral) conduct (moral) conduct 品行 ひんこう
- draw a moral 教訓を引き出す[くみ取る]
- moral act 道徳(的){どうとく(てき)}行為{こうい}
- moral advantage 道徳的優位性{どうとく てき ゆういせい}
- moral algebra 精神的代数{せいしん てき だいすう}
- moral ambiguity 道義的{どうぎてき}な不明確{ふめいかく}さ
- moral anarchy 道徳的混乱{どうとくてき こんらん}
- moral approach 倫理的{りんりてき}[道義{どうぎ}に基づいた]取り組み[アプローチ]
- moral approbation 道義上認められること
- moral arbiter 道徳{どうとく}の審判者{しんぱんしゃ}
- moral argument 道徳的{どうとくてき}な議論{ぎろん}
- moral ataxia 心理失調(症)、モラル失調
- moral authority 道徳的権限{どうとくてき けんげん}
- moral bankruptcy 道徳{どうとく}の破たん
- and you can get moral argument off the ground , then
道徳的な議論はこうして始まるのです - you are my parents , i must be my moral compass .
貴女は私の親よ 貴女は道徳的であるべきよ - but what makes those three other foundations moral ?
“しかし 他の3つは違うだろ?” - we all hate moral ambiguity in some sense
私たちは、ある意味で道徳的多義性をひどく嫌っていますが、 - and see if we could change people's moral judgment .
変えてみることはできないでしょうか - for what's written on the first draft of the moral mind .
書かれていると思います - whether therefore we are condemned to moral failure
糾弾されるのかと私に説明を求めました - that is set by the moral codes written in the koran .
人生を生きる際に伴う苦闘なのです - if i'm gonna do this , i'm gonna need some moral support .
- Adjective
- concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles; "moral sense"; "a moral scrutiny"; "a moral lesson"; "a moral quandary"; "moral convictions"; "a moral life"
- psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect; "a moral victory"; "moral support"
- the significance of a story or event; "the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor"
Synonyms: lesson,