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morale 意味

発音記号:[ mɔ'rɑ:l ]  読み方



  • well , it seems morale has suddenly gone up .
    いやぁ すっかり 士気が上がっちまって...。
  • today , he beheaded a man of wu to crush our morale !
    今日. . 彼は呉の男の首をはねた
  • please . your presence isn't good for morale .
    お願いだ あなたがいると みんなの士気に影響する
  • it'd help morale if i could tell 'em something .
    何か言ってやれば 落ち着くと思うんだが
  • would only serve to lower the employees' morale .
    現場で働く従業員の 士気の低下につながります
  • with such a good morale , what is there to fear ?
    あの良い士気で何か 恐れるものがあるだろうか?
  • full energy , full sensitivity , full morale
  • in order to raise the morale of your allies
    仲間の士気を高めるには 副長健在の姿を➡
  • morale is high and everyone is ready to move into action
    皆の士気は極めて高く いつ命令されても
  • it's bad for morale . but look at these guys .
    モラルに反する でも彼らを見ろ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed
    Synonyms: esprit de corps, team spirit,

  • a state of individual psychological well-being based upon a sense of confidence and usefulness and purpose

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