near-sightedness 意味
- near-sightedness
- glasses for near sightedness 近眼用{きんがんよう}メガネ
- clear-sightedness clear? sighted?ness 【名】
- far sightedness 遠視{えんし}
- far-sightedness far-sightedness 遠眼 えんがん
- long sightedness 遠視{えんし}
- long-sightedness long-sightedness 遠視[医生]
- short sightedness {名} :
- short-sightedness {名} :
- far sightedness in recognizing the importance of
- far-sightedness in recognizing the importance of ~に着目{ちゃくもく}した先見性{せんけん せい}
- near 1near adj. (場所 時間などが)近い; (程度 関係が)親密な. 【副詞】 Now we are near enough to drop in on her every day. 現在彼女のところに毎日立ち寄れるほど近くに住んでいます in the fairly near future かなり近い将来 How near are the shops
- near by near by 直 じき ちょく
- near to néar to (1) ?1 . (2) …に近い;((略式))すんでのところで…(nearly) ~ to perfection 完璧(ぺき)に近い/ I'm ~ to (being) mad. 私は気が狂いそうだ.
- not near とうてい~でない、とても~どころではない、とても~ない
- a near thing a néar [clóse] thíng ((略式))きわどいところ[結末,成功].