next-generation systems with zero-emission energy conversion 次世代ゼロエミッション・エネルギー変換システム
onami , who grew up under such expectations , had records of his activities when he was in his early twenties around 1413 , and while young he started participating as the next-generation successor of the kanze guild . その期待に応えて成長した音阿弥は、20代前半の応永20年代からその活動記録があり、若くして観世座の次世代の担い手として活躍を始めていたことが分かる。
the doshisha rohm plaza project is an extracurricular project aimed at cultural creation and sharing , as well as human resources development for next-generation society through cooperation by industry , government , academia , and local community . 同志社ローム記念館プロジェクトは産官学地域連携を通し、文化の創造・発信と次世代社会を担う人材を育成することを目的とした課外プロジェクト。
a specified nonprofit organization , ' hakata-ori development college ' for development of hakata-ori textile and training of next-generation craftsmen was established in april , 2006 , which has fostered the younger generation . 博多織の発展と次世代職人の育成を目的とした特定非営利活動法人「博多織技能開発養成学校(博多織デベロップメントカレッジ)」が2006年4月に設立され、後身の育成が図られている。
the demand and requirements of consumers who pursued ' to be drunk ' rather than ' taste ' not only promoted the consumption of sanzoshu , but also diminished a kind of culture expressed as ' shudo ' (way of sake ), that is , the way of bar-hopping which got sophisticated in the beginning of the showa period , and prevented fostering the next-generation acute consumers . 「味」よりも「酔い」を追い求めた消費者たちの需要と欲求は、安価な三増酒の消費を促進しただけでなく、「酒道」などとも表現される一種の文化、すなわちかつて昭和初期に洗練された飲み歩き方をも衰退させ、次世代の明敏な飲み手を育成することを阻んだ。
according to his renga theory , waka (a traditional japanese poem of thirty-one syllables ) and renga training , and buddhism training were ultimately the same thing , and this theory was emphasized in his important work called " sasamegoto " (murmurings ) as well as other works such as " oinokurigoto " (old man ' s prattle ), and " hitorigoto " (solitary ramblings ) (1468 ), and also influenced next-generation renga poets such as sogi and kensai inawashiro and a master of tea ceremony juko murata who practiced wabicha (literally , " poverty tea style " ; known as the tea ceremony ). 和歌及び連歌の修行を仏道の修行と究極的に同一視する連歌論は、主著である『ささめごと』のほか『老のくり言』『ひとり言』(1468年)などに強調され、次代の宗祇、猪苗代兼載、侘び茶の村田珠光ら茶人にも影響を与える。
it is said that they do not broadcast in hd video in an attempt to increase dvd sales , or because they are planning to release the hd remastered versions again after the widespread adoption of next-generation dvd , and the broadcasting of videos which have been intentionally degraded is a method frequently used by tbs (and its subsidiary , bs-i ) (on the other hand , works produced by mainichi broadcasting system , inc . (mbs ) and chubu-nippon broadcasting co ., ltd . (cbc ), which are affiliates of tbs , have been broadcast in the hd master versions in recent years ). HDのまま放送しないのはDVDの売り上げ増や、次世代DVDが普及した後にHDリマスター版で再び売り出す事を狙ったものと言われており、故意に画質を落とし放送するのはTBS(および子会社のBS-i)で多用される手法である(その一方で系列局の毎日放送(MBS)や中部日本放送(CBC)制作作品では近年になってHDマスターでの放映を実施している)。