nodding 意味
what ? i thought that was what we were all nodding about . 何です 皆うなずいたんでは i guess ... it's nodding and ending ? huh . なるね って... 頷いて終わり? はぁ~。 sitting next to them , listening and nodding 隣に腰をおろして耳を傾けてうなずき except , in your you're nodding now , in your ellipse ただし あなたの... 頷いていらっしゃいますね you answer my questions by nodding yes or shaking your head no . "イエス" の時は うなずけ so you're nodding and you're smiling 皆さん うなづき 微笑んでますね look , look , see how he's nodding ? 見ろ。 うなずいてるだろ? i see some nodding heads there . 頷いていますね some people nodding yes . うなずいている人もいますね why have you kept him waiting here ? god knows . i kept nodding yes ... 彼らの映画でそうするように "はい"に相槌を打ち続けたのだ
Adjective having branches or flower heads that bend downward; "nodding daffodils"; "the pendulous branches of a weeping willow"; "lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers" Synonyms: cernuous , drooping , pendulous , weeping ,