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nuclear 意味

発音記号:[ 'nju:kliə ]  読み方


  • {名} : 原子力発電{げんし りょく はつでん}
    {形} : 原子力{げんしりょく}の、核の、中心{ちゅうしん}の、細胞核{さいぼうかく}の、原子核{げんしかく}の
    Nuclear weapons are the worst thing man has ever invented. 核兵器は、人類の発明の中で最悪のものだ。


  • your idea of nuclear or chembiothreat
    あなたが言及された核または 化学・生物兵器に対する脅威について
  • added two more members to the nuclear club:
    しかしここで新たに2か国が 核クラブに参入しました
  • of the nuclear weapons we had before .
    この計算方法によると 核が3分の1に削減されたことになります
  • they're going to put in six new nuclear power stations
  • your country will be a cold , dark nuclear wasteland .
    あなたの国は 核で荒れ地になる
  • against letting the nuclear aircraft carrier into port .
  • sir , we have nuclear missiles spinning up on the albuquerque .
  • nuclear plant on a beautiful seashore next to an
    美しい海岸線でも 活断層が近いところには
  • but a nuclear war of a kind we've never seen
  • a tactical nuclear weapon will be launched from norad
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy; "nuclear war"; "nuclear weapons"; "atomic bombs"
    Synonyms: atomic,

  • of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom; "nuclear physics"; "nuclear fission"; "nuclear forces"

  • of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell; "nuclear membrane"; "nuclear division"

  • Adjective
  • constituting or like a nucleus; "annexation of the suburban fringe by the nuclear metropolis"; "the nuclear core of the congregation"

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