plumb 意味
- 1plumb n. 垂直.【前置詞+】
- be off plumb
垂直でない, ゆがんでいる.
2plumb v. 配管工事をする; 《英》 配管につなぐ.【副詞2】【+前置詞】- Our dishwasher is plumbed into the main water supply.
《英》 私たちの皿洗い器は水道の本管につながれている.
- be off plumb
- plumb in ~に配管{はいかん}をする
- plumb- {連結} : plumbo-の異形{いけい}◆母音の前で
- off plumb 垂直{すいちょく}でない、傾いて
- out of plumb 垂直{すいちょく}でない、傾いて
- plumb a lake 湖の深さを測る
- plumb block 軸受{じくうけ}
- plumb bob plumb bob 鉛錘 えんすい 下げ振り さげふり
- plumb bond plumb bond プラム積み[医生]; プラム積み[地球]
- plumb fool 全くのばか[あほ]
- plumb forget コロッと[すっかり]忘れる
- plumb in the face of ~の真正面{ましょうめん}に
- plumb joint plumb joint ろうづけ継手
- plumb line plumb line 垂準 すいじゅん
- plumb loco 気が変になる、頭がおかしくなる
- plumb nonsense 全くばかげていること
- well , you're lucky he didn't plumb love asparagus .
アスパラが好物じゃなくて 良かったね - what can i say ? my daddy plumb loved baked beans .
しょうがないわ 父の好物なの - predicated on plumb level , square and centered .
水平 直角 中心が前提です - we had to go plumb to china and back .
思う存分にな - adele plumb forgot that little fact when she booked the church for tonight .
アデルは十字架のこと 忘れてるんだわ - the investigation of ' li ' was called ' plumb the principle .'
この理を究明することを「窮理」とよんだ。 - they plumb the depths down to 600 meters , in temperatures to one degree centigrade
600mの深さまで潜ります 水温は1°Cで - he had a strong desire to carry out sonno-joi , and presented a frame to kitano temman-gu shrine , in which the poem " before snow and frost melt , colorful flowers are in bloom , and the scent of plumb blossoms remain even after they fall " was written .
尊王攘夷の念が強く、北野天満宮に「雪霜に 色よく花の魁て 散りても後に 匂う 梅が香」という句を記した額を献じた。
- Adverb
- completely; used as intensifiers; "clean forgot the appointment"; "I''m plumb (or plum) tuckered out"
Synonyms: clean, plum, clean, plum, - exactly; "fell plumb in the middle of the puddle"
Synonyms: plum, plum, - conforming to the direction of a plumb line
- completely; used as intensifiers; "clean forgot the appointment"; "I''m plumb (or plum) tuckered out"
Synonyms: clean, plum, clean, plum, - exactly; "fell plumb in the middle of the puddle"
Synonyms: plum, plum, - conforming to the direction of a plumb line
- exactly vertical; "the tower of Pisa is far out of plumb"
- adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical
- examine thoroughly and in great depth
- measure the depth of something
- weight with lead
- the metal bob of a plumb line
Synonyms: plumb bob, plummet,