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pool 意味

発音記号:[ pu:l ]  読み方



  • maybe chief was the one who did this to the pool ?
    プールに これまいたの 先輩なんじゃ?
  • one , two , three , four , five . that's our pool .
    1・2・3・4・5 全部マ−クしろ
  • tandy saw the fire . he got water from the pool
    タンディは 火見つけた プールから水を汲んだ
  • field trip days and pool days are always sunny .
    遠足の時も プールの時も 晴れたんだよ。
  • and he drove dude's bentley into a swimming pool .
  • all in favor of phil cleaning out his toilet pool ?
    トイレプール掃除案に 賛成の人は?
  • so , the killer likely entered here coming from the pool .
  • my record look like the inventory down at the motor pool .
  • i'm happy that you are back in the pool .
    いや。 食わず嫌いだったら 食べたほうが いいですって。
  • in 2010 , unitaid established the medicines patent pool
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • any of various games played on a pool table having 6 pockets
    Synonyms: pocket billiards,

  • an excavation that is (usually) filled with water

  • an association of companies for some definite purpose
    Synonyms: consortium, syndicate,

  • an organization of people or resources that can be shared; "a car pool"; "a secretarial pool"; "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"

  • something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"
    Synonyms: puddle,

  • a small lake; "the pond was too small for sailing"
    Synonyms: pond,

  • a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid; "there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain"; "the body lay in a pool of blood"
    Synonyms: puddle,

  • the combined stakes of the betters
    Synonyms: kitty,

  • any communal combination of funds; "everyone contributed to the pool"

  • Verb
  • join or form a pool of people

  • combine into a common fund; "We pooled resources"

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