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possible 意味

発音記号:[ 'pɔsəbl ]  読み方


  • as ... as possible    as ... as possible 可及的 かきゅうてき
  • as as possible     as ... as póssible できるだけ…の[に]《◆...は副詞,形容詞,または形容詞を伴う名詞》 Get up as early as ~ [you can]. できるだけ早く起きなさい I need as much money as ~ to the plan. その計画にはできるだけ多くの金が必要だ.
  • if it is possible     if (it is [at all]) póssible できるなら Do it by tomorrow, if ~.([]) できれば明日までにそれをしなさい.
  • if possible    if possible もし可能ならば もしかのうならば 成る丈 なるたけ 可能であれば かのうであれば
  • if that is not possible    それがどうしても無理{むり}と言うのなら
  • not possible    可能性のない
  • to be possible    to be possible 有りうる 有り得る ありうる 有りえる ありえる
  • art of the possible    可能性{かのうせい}を模索{もさく}する技術{ぎじゅつ} Bismarck called politics the art of the possible.
  • as a possible date    おおよその日付{ひづけ}として
  • as early as possible    できるだけ早く、一刻{いっこく}も早く、できるだけ早期{そうき}に
  • as far as possible    as far as possible 限り かぎり
  • as fast as possible    できるだけ速く
  • as frequently as possible    できるだけ頻繁に
  • as hard as possible    努めて、精いっぱい
  • as late as possible    時間ぎりぎりまで待って


  • that maximize the diversity of possible futures .
    うまく調整されていると 示されています
  • is it possible to find out more detailed information
    電話対応が スムーズになるために
  • now there's no way humanly possible for us to trail him .
  • but pisa has shown what's possible in education .
    一方 PISAは教育の可能性を示し ―
  • so is it possible he won't regain consciousness ?
    戻らないかもしれない ってことですか?
  • and we try to do this for as long as possible .
  • don't you want to go back home as soon as possible ?
    だって 早く 帰りたいんでしょ?
  • as simple as possible , but no simpler .
    可能な限り簡潔に でもそれ以上 簡潔にしようとはしないこと
  • stop it for a moment ! it may be possible .
    ちょっと やめてよ~! できるかも しれないけど。
  • another disposition with possible execution .
    何時ものとおり制裁目的の 配置換えじゃないのか
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"

  • an applicant who might be suitable

  • Adjective
  • existing in possibility; "a potential problem"; "possible uses of nuclear power"
    Synonyms: potential,

  • capable of happening or existing; "a breakthrough may be possible next year"; "anything is possible"; "warned of possible consequences"

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