ppa 意味
{略-1} :
pipemidic acid
{略-2} :
Pollution Prevention Act
《米》汚染防止法{おせん ぼうしほう}
{略-3} :
Prescription Pricing Authority
《英》医療用医薬品価格管理局{いりょう よう いやくひん かかく かんり きょく}◆【URL】http://www.ppa.org.uk/
{略-4} :
Princeton particle accelerator
{略-5} :
Princeton-Pennsylvania Proton Accelerator
{略-6} :
Professional Programmers Association
{略-7} :
Progressive Parties' Alliance
{略-8} :
pure pulmonary atresia
- pp-junction pp-junction pp接合[電情]
- pp&a PP&A {略} : palpation-percussion and auscultation 触診{しょくしん}?打診{だしん}?聴診{ちょうしん}
- ppb PPB {略} : parts per billion 《単位》10億分の1、1E-9◆「何分の一」は大きい方から、千分の1=1E-3=ppth(ppt)、百万分の1=1E-6=ppm、10億分の1=1E-9=ppb、1兆分の1=1E-12=ppt、1000兆分の1=1E-15=ppq ppb {略} : parts per billion 《単位》10億分の1
- pp wave PP wave PP波[地球]
- ppbg PPBG {略} : Primary Program Budget Guidance 第一次業務予算編成案内
- pp crepe PP crepe 軽度純化クレープ[化学]
- ppbs PPBS {略-1} : Planning, Programming and Budgeting System 企画計画予算制度 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : planning-programming budgeting sy
- pp pp {略} : pianissimo 極めて弱く PP {略-1} : pancreatic polypeptide 膵臓{すいぞう}ポリペプチド -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : panel point 《工学
- ppbv ppbv {略} : parts per billion by [in] volume 体積比{たいせき ひ}10億分の1
- This is pappardelle alla lepre . can you say it ?
これは pappardelle alla lepre 言えるか? - Do you have any idea how many ivy league phi beta kappas
あなたがどんな考えを持っていますかどのように多くの lvyリーグファイベータkappas - Do you have any idea how many ivy league phi beta kappas
あなたがどんな考えを持っていますかどのように多くの lvyリーグファイベータKappas - " teppanyaki " is also popular overseas as japanese cuisine .
海外でもenTeppanyakiの名前で日本料理として普及している。 - Teppanyaki and yakiniku are becoming increasingly well known around the world .
海外でもTeppanyaki/Yakinikuとして広まりつつある。 - There are so many people living normal lives in this world .
ima wa kirito-kun ni kitai shite iru hito ippai iru to omou yo - Since 2000 , he has been co-hosting ' kyogen for physical , mental and technical training (toppa !) ' (kyogen study group formed by six young members of the shigeyama acting family ) along with senzaburo shigeyama , masakuni shigeyama , ippei , shigeru and doji shigeyama .
2000年からは、「心・技・体、教育的古典狂言推進準備研修練磨の会(TOPPA!)」を茂山千三郎、茂山正邦、逸平、茂、茂山童司と共に主催。 - Since 2000 , he has been co-hosting ' kyogen for physical , mental and technical training (toppa !) ' (kyogen study group formed by six young members of the shigeyama acting family ) along with senzaburo shigeyama , masakuni shigeyama , ippei , shigeru and doji shigeyama .
2000年からは、「心・技・体、教育的古典狂言推進準備研修練磨の会(TOPPA!)」を茂山千三郎、茂山正邦、逸平、茂、茂山童司と共に主催。 - Engi in buddhism (sanskrit: pratiitya-samutpaada; pali: paticca-samuppaada ) is one of the fundamental ideas in buddhism , and its meaning is the idea that everything in this world is related to the other in direct and indirect ways , changing and disappearing in the relationship .
仏教における縁起 (えんぎ、サンスクリット:pratiitya-samutpaada、パーリ語:paTicca-samuppaada)は、仏教の根幹をなす思想の一つで、世界の一切は直接にも間接にも何らかのかたちでそれぞれ関わり合って消滅変化しているという考え方を指す。 - Since 2000 , he has been involved in the activities of shin・gi・tai - kyoikuteki koten kyogen suishin junbi kenshu renma no kai (toppa !) (spirit , technique and strength - a group for training and practice for the preparation of the promotion of educational classic kyogen ) which he organized in that year together with senzabro shigeyama , masakuni shigeyama , motohiko , shigeru and doji shigeyama .
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