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preparation 意味

発音記号:[ ˌprepə'reiʃən ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: preparations   



  • just as i was in preparation for my first holy communion .
  • years of training and planning and preparation .
  • and it took a lot of preparation , we had to build cameras
  • and this was the preparation that i was being given
  • how to make adequate preparation in order to win .
    勝つための適切な準備を いかにするか➡
  • look ! childbirth preparation guidebook . yes .
    じゃん! 「出産準備ガイドブック」。 はい。
  • but the lessons in preparation of the contest ...
    でも コンクール目指して レッスン...。
  • the preparation practices that enable people
    リーダーになるにあたり その資質を最大限生かすために
  • the preparation and pageantry , that's what he loves .
    準備と誇示を 最も愛するからです
  • this perfect , seemingly effortless preparation .
    あなたよ。 こんな完璧なおもてなし。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife"
    Synonyms: cooking, cookery,

  • preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)
    Synonyms: homework, prep,

  • activity leading to skilled behavior
    Synonyms: training, grooming,

  • the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose; "preparations for the ceremony had begun"
    Synonyms: readying,

  • the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening; "his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties"
    Synonyms: planning, provision,

  • (music) a note that produces a dissonant chord is first heard in a consonant chord; "the resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance"

  • the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action (especially military action); "putting them in readiness"; "their preparation was more than adequate"
    Synonyms: readiness, preparedness,

  • a substance prepared according to a formula; "the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine"
    Synonyms: formulation,

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