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professional 意味

発音記号:[ prə'feʃənl ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: professionals   



  • all sorts of health professional education programs
    あらゆる医療専門家 教育プログラムは
  • so this is the power of a true professional prosecutor .
    これが プロの検事の力!
  • all right , they've sent a professional . fine .
    そうか 専門家を派遣したんだな いいだろう
  • but as a chance to test your ability as a professional .
  • very few people become professional writers .
    プロの物書きになる人は 非常に少ないと思います
  • professional baseball player , and i got some i want to say .
  • can i become a professional baseball player ?
    回想 えっ... 私 プロ野球選手になれないの?
  • shihomisan is a professional photographer , right ?
  • so in planning to be a professional naturalist
    ですから 自然愛好家としての職業を選ぶ上で ―
  • if i were you , i'd rather be a professional though .
    俺だったら プロになるけどねえ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood; "the professional man or woman possesses distinctive qualifications"; "began her professional career after the Olympics"; "professional theater"; "professional football"; "a professional cook"; "professional actors and athletes"

  • characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession; "professional conduct"; "professional ethics"; "a thoroughly professional performance"

  • of or relating to a profession; "we need professional advice"; "professional training"; "professional equipment for his new office"

  • of or relating to or suitable as a profession; "professional organizations"; "a professional field such as law"

  • Adjective
  • engaged in by members of a profession; "professional occupations include medicine and the law and teaching"

  • Noun
  • an authority qualified to teach apprentices
    Synonyms: master,

  • a person engaged in one of the learned professions
    Synonyms: professional person,

  • an athlete who plays for pay
    Synonyms: pro,

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