a secret teaching that cannot be easily disclosed because of its profoundness . その奥深い教えである故に容易に明らかにできない秘密の教え。
the taste of sake which belongs to " nama " group is somehow harsh and lacks umami and profoundness which sake that undergoes storage and maturing gives . 「生」系の酒の味は荒々しく、貯蔵・熟成を経た酒が持つ旨みやまろみ、深みに欠ける。
it was said that he was good at " dojoji " (dojo-ji temple ), " shunkan " (shunkan , a priest ), " kantan " (the pillow of kantan ) and also he was the best in profoundness and gracefulness of kazuramono (a woman play ). 『道成寺』『俊寛』『邯鄲』を得意としたが、鬘物の幽艶さでも類を絶したという。