protraction 意味
- {名} : 突き出すこと、延長{えんちょう}、製図{せいず}
- mandibular protraction 下顎前突{かがくぜんとつ}
- maxillary protraction 上顎前突{じょうがく ぜんとつ}
- protractile {形} : 伸ばせる、突き出せる
- protracted work stoppage 長引く休業{ながびく きゅうぎょう}(状態{じょうたい})
- protractive pro?trác?tive adj. [-tr?ktiv] 【形】 長引かす,長引く.
- protracted war protracted war 持久戦 じきゅうせん
- protractor protractor 分度器 ぶんどき
- protracted treatment 長時間処理{ちょうじかん しょり}
- protractor muscle protractor muscle 伸筋 しんきん
- protracted test protracted test 延長試験
- protractor[muscle] protractor[muscle] 挙足筋[医生]
- Noun
- the act of prolonging something; "there was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks"
Synonyms: prolongation, perpetuation, lengthening, - the consequence of being lengthened in duration
Synonyms: lengthiness, prolongation, continuation,