reference reference n. 言及; 照会, 問い合わせ; 参照, 照合; (身元)証明書, 推薦状; 引用文; 関係, 関連; 付託. 【動詞+】 Try to avoid any reference to his recent accident. 彼の最近の事故にはいっさい触れないようにしなさい check sb's references with his former
tokyo metropolitan police department kendo refereeing draft rules (made in 1926 ): article 6 . the refereeing shall be based on the following sections; 警視廰劍道審判規定案(大正15年)第6條 審判員ハ左ノ各項ニ準墟シ審判ヲナスヘシ。
tokyo metropolitan police department kendo refereeing draft rules (made in 1926 ): article 6 . the refereeing shall be based on the following sections; 警視廰劍道審判規定案(大正15年)第6條 審判員ハ左ノ各項ニ準墟シ審判ヲナスヘシ。
tokyo metropolitan police department kendo refereeing rules (established in 1933 , and revised in 1934 ): article 8 . fencers shall not do things listed in the following sections; 警視廰劍道審判規定(昭和8年(1933年)、昭和9年(1934年)改定)第8條 試合中左ノ事項ヲ禁止ス。
kendo game rules (established in march 1950 ) --- article 3 . referee --- b . refereeing method --- section 5 . in the event that tsubazeriai continues for five seconds , the referee shall stop the match , make the fencers return to the mark , and restart the match . 撓競技法(昭和25年(1950年)3月)(中略)3審判(中略)(ロ)審判法(中略)(5)鍔競合5秒以内に及ぶ場合は試合を中止させ、出發線まで戻して再び開始させる。
kendo game rules (established in march 1950 ) --- article 3 . referee --- b . refereeing method --- section 5 . in the event that tsubazeriai continues for five seconds , the referee shall stop the match , make the fencers return to the mark , and restart the match . 撓競技法(昭和25年(1950年)3月)(中略)3審判(中略)(ロ)審判法(中略)(5)鍔競合5秒以内に及ぶ場合は試合を中止させ、出發線まで戻して再び開始させる。
the refereeing rules of the kendo matches held in the presence of emperor showa for the celebration of the 2 ,600th year of the imperial reign: (matches were held from june 18 to the 20 in 1940 ) article 9 . --- section 44 . when fencers come near each other , become locked in tsubazeriai , and press their own bamboo sword against their opponent ' s shoulder , one of them may thrust (or thrust after forcibly toppling over ) the opponent at the moment of separation , but it is not recognized as a valid thrust . 皇紀2600年奉祝昭和天覧試合剣道試合審判規定(昭和15年6月18日~20日)第9條(中略)44、間合接近シテ鍔糶合トナリタルトキ太刀ヲ互ニ肩ニ掛ケ離レ際ニ撃突シ又ハ不正ニ倒シテ撃突スルモ勝ト認メス。