reinterpret the relationship between society and politicians 解釈しなおそうと努める場所
and reinterpret them into urban and architectural structures そして これらを人が住める都市や
a chinese artist to reinterpret her . 人魚姫を再解釈したものを展示します
under the system of the dynasty state , however , the interpreters of nihonshoki gradually shifted to esoteric buddhist monks , pundits of waka poem studies , and the jinin (associates of shinto shrines ) of each shrine , and initiatives to reinterpret mythologies based on buddhist philosophy started . それが、王朝国家体制のもと、次第に密教僧や歌学者、各神社の神人に移り、仏教思想を基盤とした神話の再解釈が行われ出した。
assign a new or different meaning to
interpret from a different viewpoint Synonyms: re-explain,