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reject 意味

発音記号:[ ri'dʒekt ]  読み方


  • to reject    to reject 突き返す 突きっ返す つきかえす つきっかえす 弾き返す はじきかえす 撥ねる はねる 退ける 斥ける 却ける しりぞける 断わる ことわる 拒む こばむ 蹴飛ばす けとばす 突き戻す つきもどす 跳ね返す はねかえす
  • automatically reject    ~を頭から排除する[はねつける] We do not automatically reject that alternative. この選択肢を頭から排除するつもりはない。
  • categorically reject    きっぱりと断る
  • command reject    コマンド拒否{きょひ}
  • device to reject    ~を拒むための口実{こうじつ}
  • emotionally reject    気持ち的に受け付けない
  • export reject    輸出基準不合格品{ゆしゅつ きじゅん ふごうかく ひん}
  • factory reject    不合格品{ふごうかく ひん}
  • gracefully reject    体裁良く[遠回{とおまわ}しに]断る
  • overwhelmingly reject    圧倒的多数{あっとうてき たすう}で~を拒否{きょひ}[否決{ひけつ}]する
  • reject a claim    請求を取り下げる[棄却{ききゃく}する?却下{きゃっか}する?放棄{ほうき}する]、要求{ようきゅう}を拒絶{きょぜつ}する[はねつける]、抗議{こうぎ}を却下{きゃっか}する
  • reject a deal    取引を拒絶{きょぜつ}する
  • reject a demand by    ~による要求{ようきゅう}を却下{きゃっか}する
  • reject a lawsuit    訴訟{そしょう}を棄却{ききゃく}する
  • reject a lie    うそをはねのける


  • they took longer to reject metaphors as false
  • the lannisters are going to reject your terms , you know ?
  • reject this gift , and i shall show you no mercy .
    拒否をすれば いかなる慈悲も与えない
  • what ? we will be the ones to reject hiroto .
    はあ? 大翔なんか こっちから お断りだから。
  • i see a reject from the sound of music .
    まるで返品された "サウンドオブ・ミュージック"みたい
  • i agreed with the decision to reject the proposal
    わたしは 職員会議の否決に賛成でして
  • than they did to reject literally false sentences .
  • a material that's in our bodies , that will not reject .
  • why did you reject yoshiyasusempai's confession ?
    何で吉安先輩から コクられたのに断ったの?
  • we english teachers reject them all the time .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality
    Synonyms: cull,

  • Verb
  • dismiss from consideration or a contest; "John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi"; "This possibility can be eliminated from our consideration"
    Synonyms: rule out, eliminate, winnow out,

  • refuse to accept or acknowledge; "I reject the idea of starting a war"; "The journal rejected the student''s paper"

  • reject with contempt; "She spurned his advances"
    Synonyms: spurn, freeze off, scorn, pooh-pooh, disdain, turn down,

  • deem wrong or inappropriate; "I disapprove of her child rearing methods"
    Synonyms: disapprove,

  • refuse to accept; "He refused my offer of hospitality"
    Synonyms: refuse, pass up, turn down, decline,

  • refuse entrance or membership; "They turned away hundreds of fans"; "Black people were often rejected by country clubs"
    Synonyms: turn down, turn away, refuse,

  • resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ; "His body rejected the liver of the donor"
    Synonyms: resist, refuse,

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