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riddle 意味

発音記号:[ 'ridl ]  読み方



  • some of you may wince to remember this riddle .
    思い出したときに ハッとするかもしれない―
  • leave it to ox to write a riddle in a dead language .
  • but you couldn't even solve that simple riddle !
    あんた あんな簡単な謎も解けなかったくせに
  • the riddle of the morgul blade must be answered .
    何はともあれ"モルグルの刃"の 謎を解くには
  • the one who solved the riddle of the sphinx was ...
    スピンクスの なぞなぞを解いたのは...
  • and mr . riddle , do you have any rubbing alcohol ?
  • and mr . riddle , do you have any rubbing alcohol ?
  • i'm surprised you haven't figured out this riddle yet .
  • good job , franklin . you solved my little riddle .
    よくやった 謎を解いたな
  • it was oedipus who solved the riddle of the sphinx .
    スピンクスの謎掛けを解いたのは オイディプス
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a coarse sieve (as for gravel)

  • a difficult problem
    Synonyms: conundrum, enigma, brain-teaser,

  • Verb
  • set a difficult problem or riddle; "riddle me a riddle"

  • explain a riddle

  • speak in riddles

  • spread or diffuse through; "An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration"; "music penetrated the entire building"; "His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks"
    Synonyms: permeate, pervade, penetrate, interpenetrate, diffuse, imbue,

  • pierce with many holes; "The bullets riddled his body"

  • separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff
    Synonyms: screen,

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