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robe 意味

発音記号:[ rəub ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: robed   動詞 過去分詞: robed   名詞 複数形: robes   動詞 現在分詞: robing   



  • and your robe is on the chair . i should be wearing that .
  • oh , mon dieu ! quelle robe magnifique ! (oh , my god !
    まあ なんて素敵なドレス!
  • well , there's a long white robe in heaven , i know .
  • well , there's a long white robe in heaven , i know .
  • this used to be some kind of vestment , a robe , maybe .
    額には何が 書かれてる?
  • the jewel in the robe: shoshi takes buddhist orders .
    ころもの玉 - 彰子の出家。
  • he had a robe and sandals and a real samurai sword .
    彼は 着物や草履 本物の剣も持ってた
  • that long black robe covers every inch of her body .
    その長く 黒いローブで体を隠している
  • that robe ... you're a member of the akatsuki !
    その衣... お前も 暁のメンバーだな。
  • the robe that killed father was poisoned by nizam .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • outerwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions
    Synonyms: gown,

  • any loose flowing garment

  • Verb
  • clothe formally; especially in ecclesiastical robes
    Synonyms: vest,

  • cover as if with clothing; "the mountain was clothed in tropical trees"
    Synonyms: clothe, cloak, drape,

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