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rust 意味

発音記号:[ rʌst ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: rusted   動詞 過去分詞: rusted   動詞 現在分詞: rusting   


  • in rust    《be ~》さびている
  • to rust    to rust 錆びる さびる
  • anti-rust    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
  • black rust    black rust 黒銹病 くろさびびょう
  • blister rust    瘤病{こぶびょう}
  • cause rust    さびを生じさせる A salt-water combination easily causes rust on an iron surface. 塩と水は鉄の表面に用意にさびを生じさせる
  • clean the rust    さびを落とす
  • copper rust    copper rust 緑青 ろくしょう りょくしょう
  • corroded with rust    さびで腐食{ふしょく}した
  • cotton rust    cotton rust ワタさび病[医生]
  • covered with rust    《be ~》さびている
  • crown rust    冠さび病
  • descale rust    脱スケールさび
  • formation of rust    さびがつくこと
  • fretted with rust    さび付いた


  • the cheap models will rust for sure ,
    安い車だったら すぐ錆びて... その上 保険も 下りないんだ
  • no reason to let a good droid rust , right ?
  • They name the condoms things like vive , to live
  • the cheap models will rust for sure
    安い車だったら すぐ錆びて... その上 保険も 下りないんだ
  • well , uh , rust , it is so nice to finally meet you .
    ラスト やっと会えたわね
  • well , uh , rust , it is so nice to finally meet you .
    ラスト やっと会えたわね
  • for quite some time , i'm gonna be thinking about you , rust .
  • for quite some time , i'm gonna be thinking about you , rust .
  • a poster child for rust belt revitalization
    ラストベルト地域の復興の 広告塔になるような
  • This next chart , made by the equality trust
    次のチャートはequality trustが 作成しました
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • of the brown color of rust
    Synonyms: rusty, rust-brown,

  • Verb
  • become coated with oxide

  • become destroyed by water, air, or a corrosive such as an acid; "The metal corroded"; "The pipes rusted"
    Synonyms: corrode,

  • cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid; "The acid corroded the metal"; "The steady dripping of water rusted the metal stopper in the sink"
    Synonyms: corrode, eat,

  • Noun
  • any of various fungi causing rust disease in plants
    Synonyms: rust fungus,

  • the formation of reddish-brown ferric oxides on iron by low-temperature oxidation in the presence of water
    Synonyms: rusting,

  • a plant disease that produces a reddish-brown discoloration of leaves and stems; caused by various rust fungi

  • a red or brown oxide coating on iron or steel caused by the action of oxygen and moisture

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