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scant 意味

発音記号:[ skænt ]  読み方



  • what safety they had was very scant .
  • there's scant chance of life there that's because there's been no time
    生命が存在する可能性も ほとんどありません
  • tanuma spent plenty of the government money on the development of ezo , with scant results .
  • i would like to examine , one more time , why the two of you feel that it is ethical to convict on such scant evidence .
    2人が倫理的であると 感じる理由を調べたい
  • Count charles ferdinand camille ghislain descantons de montblanc (may 11 , 1833 - january 22 , 1894 ), the baron of ingelmunster , was a french/belgium peer , businessman , diplomat and oyatoi gaikokujin (a foreign advisor with specialized knowledge hired by the japanese government at the end of the edo period to the meiji era to assist in the modernization of japan ).
    シャルル・フェルディナン・カミーユ・ヒスラン・デカントン・ド・モンブラン、モンブラン伯爵にして、インゲルムンステル男爵(Count Charles Ferdinand Camille Ghislain Descantons de Montblanc, Baron dIngelmunster、1833年5月11日 - 1894年1月22日)は、フランス/ベルギーの貴族、実業家、外交官、日本のお雇い外国人。


  • supply sparingly and with restricted quantities; "sting with the allowance"
    Synonyms: stint, skimp,

  • limit in quality or quantity
    Synonyms: skimp,

  • work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially
    Synonyms: skimp,

  • Adjective
  • less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; "a light pound"; "a scant cup of sugar"; "regularly gives short weight"
    Synonyms: light, short,

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