scrawny 意味
scrawn? y adj. [skr??ni] 【形】 (-er型)((略式))やせこけた.
back then he was this scrawny little bitchy queen . 昔はイケてないビッチだったのに but he's scrawny and a ging and it just doesn't work . 彼は痩せこけてるもの when it started , america was just a handful of scrawny colonies . 植民地時代 アメリカは貧弱だった you're pretty strong for a scrawny kid . ガリガリのくせに 力があるな because they saw a demented looking , scrawny looking yogi man いかれたような やせこけたヨガの達人のような男 because they saw a demented looking , scrawny looking yogi man いかれたような やせこけたヨガの達人のような男 your precious , scrawny , little neck ! 大切で貧相な小さい首ね your precious , scrawny , little neck ! 大切で貧相な小さい首ね see , they think i'm scrawny . あいつら俺のことを痩せだと思ってる not a bit of him scraggly or scrawny どんな男もうらやむ
Adjective being very thin; "a child with skinny freckled legs"; "a long scrawny neck" Synonyms: scraggy , boney , skinny , underweight , weedy , inferior in size or quality; "scrawny cattle"; "scrubby cut-over pine"; "old stunted thorn trees" Synonyms: scrubby , stunted ,