sedimentation 意味
発音記号:[ ˌsedimen'teiʃən ] 読み方
- sedimentation
- batch sedimentation 回分沈降{かいぶん ちんこう}
- centrifugal sedimentation 遠心沈降{えんしん ちんこう}
- chemical sedimentation 化学的沈降法{かがく てき ちんこう ほう}
- coagulating sedimentation 凝集沈殿{ぎょうしゅう ちんでん}
- coagulation sedimentation 凝集沈殿法{ぎょうしゅう ちんでん ほう}
- cycle of sedimentation cycle of sedimentation 堆積輪廻 たいせきりんね
- cyclic sedimentation cyclic sedimentation 周期堆積[地球]; 周期的堆積[地球]
- efficiency of sedimentation 沈殿率{ちんでん りつ}
- environment of sedimentation 堆積環境{たいせきかんきょう}
- final sedimentation 最終沈殿{さいしゅう ちんでん}
- gravitational sedimentation 重力沈降{じゅうりょく ちんこう}
- internal sedimentation 内部堆積{ないぶ たいせき}
- marine sedimentation 海成堆積{かいせい たいせき}
- ore of sedimentation ore of sedimentation 砂鉱床[地球]
- plain sedimentation 自然沈殿{しぜん ちんでん}
- hodaka sedimentation observatory (takayama city , gifu prefecture )
穂高砂防観測所(岐阜県高山市) - peasants suffered another serious damages from the massive slugs released from the burst of the sedimentation pond built by the ashio copper mine survey committee .
鉱毒調査委員会が銅山に設置を命じた鉱毒沈殿池が決壊し、再び鉱毒が下流に流れて被害を及ぼした。 - in the showa period , the practice of ' kawa-zawae (river dredging )' to remove sludge disappeared with the decline of hachiman-bori ' s importance as a canal and resulted in sludge sedimentation on the canal bed and foul odor in the area .
- Noun
- the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating
Synonyms: deposit, alluviation,