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send-off 意味



  • send off    {句動-1} : 発送する、(メッセージを)送る -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : 派遣{はけん}する、派出する -------------------------------------------------------------------
  • send off for    {1} : ~を送付{そうふ}するように依頼{いらい}する手紙{てがみ}を送る、手紙{てがみ}で~を発注{はっちゅう}する -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : ~を取り寄せる、通信販売{つうしん はんばい}で~を注文{ちゅうもん}する ----------
  • to send (off)    to send (off) 差し立てる さしたてる
  • to send off    to send off 積み出す つみだす
  • decide to send someone off    (人)と別れることに決める
  • enthusiastic send-off    熱烈{ねつれつ}な見送り{みおくり}
  • get a send-off party    歓送会をしてもらう
  • give a champagne send-off for    (敬意{けいい}を表し)シャンパンで(人)を見送る{みおくる}
  • give a send-off party    壮行会を開く
  • give someone a send-off    (人)を送別{そうべつ}する
  • good send-off    素晴らしい見送り{みおくり}
  • hearty send-off    hearty send-off 歓送 かんそう
  • people present for a send-off    見送る人
  • royal send-off    盛大{せいだい}な見送り{みおくり}
  • send a child off to school    子どもを学校へ送り出す


  • a grand send-off ceremony was held before departing .
  • send-off bonfire of myoho (on of the five mountains send-off bonfires )
  • send-off bonfire of myoho (on of the five mountains send-off bonfires )
  • the community is located at the foot of myoho , one of the five mountains send-off bonfire .
  • on the street north of kujo , five mountains send-off bonfires can be seen directly north .
  • as for the fifth regiment , a send-off party was held on the day before departure and the banquet continued until midnight .
  • after that , tokuhime departed from the okazaki castle on february 20 , 1580 (lunar calendar ), with ieyasu ' s send-off , and returned to mino province .
    その後、徳姫は天正8年(1580年)の2月20日 (旧暦)に家康に見送られ岡崎城を出立し、美濃国に帰った。
  • the send-off bonfires of five mountains (gozan no okuribi ) refers to the annual bonfires lit at various 5 locations including nyoigatake (mt . nyoi known as mt . daimonji ) on august 16 in kyoto city .
  • she formed a friendship with kiyohara no motosuke , and when she gave him a send-off upon his return to kyoto after completion of his term as a higo no kami (governor of higo province ), she composed a poem which reads , ' i will not forget you even if the water of shirakawa river dries up .'
    彼女は清原元輔と親交を結び、肥後守の任期が終わって帰京する彼を送別する際、「白川の底の水ひて塵立たむ 時にぞ君を思い忘れん」と詠んだという。
  • it is thought that their performance style and music scores were quite similar to those of the morita school , and additionally , they also had some features that the fujita school also had; for example , they gave ' okuri ' (literally , " send-off " ) and ' shirase ' (literally , " announcement " ) blows before and after an intermission .


  • an organized expression of goodwill at the start of a trip or new venture
    Synonyms: bon voyage,

  • a start given to contestants; "I was there with my parents at the kickoff"
    Synonyms: kickoff, start-off,

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