a grand send-off ceremony was held before departing . 出発にあたっては盛大な見送りの儀式が行われる。
send-off bonfire of myoho (on of the five mountains send-off bonfires ) 妙法の送り火(五山送り火の一つ)
send-off bonfire of myoho (on of the five mountains send-off bonfires ) 妙法の送り火(五山送り火の一つ)
the community is located at the foot of myoho , one of the five mountains send-off bonfire . 五山送り火の一つ妙法の麓である。
on the street north of kujo , five mountains send-off bonfires can be seen directly north . 九条あたりから北では、通りから真北に、五山送り火を望むことができる。
as for the fifth regiment , a send-off party was held on the day before departure and the banquet continued until midnight . 第5連隊では、出発の前日に壮行会が開かれており、深夜まで宴会が行われていた。
after that , tokuhime departed from the okazaki castle on february 20 , 1580 (lunar calendar ), with ieyasu ' s send-off , and returned to mino province . その後、徳姫は天正8年(1580年)の2月20日 (旧暦)に家康に見送られ岡崎城を出立し、美濃国に帰った。
the send-off bonfires of five mountains (gozan no okuribi ) refers to the annual bonfires lit at various 5 locations including nyoigatake (mt . nyoi known as mt . daimonji ) on august 16 in kyoto city . 五山送り火(ござんのおくりび)は、毎年8月16日に京都市にある如意ヶ岳(大文字山)などで行われるかがり火。
she formed a friendship with kiyohara no motosuke , and when she gave him a send-off upon his return to kyoto after completion of his term as a higo no kami (governor of higo province ), she composed a poem which reads , ' i will not forget you even if the water of shirakawa river dries up .' 彼女は清原元輔と親交を結び、肥後守の任期が終わって帰京する彼を送別する際、「白川の底の水ひて塵立たむ 時にぞ君を思い忘れん」と詠んだという。
it is thought that their performance style and music scores were quite similar to those of the morita school , and additionally , they also had some features that the fujita school also had; for example , they gave ' okuri ' (literally , " send-off " ) and ' shirase ' (literally , " announcement " ) blows before and after an intermission . 芸風・譜ともに森田流にきわめて近かったと見られているが、中入りに「送り」と「知らせ」を両方吹くなど藤田流に共通する特色もあった。
an organized expression of goodwill at the start of a trip or new venture Synonyms: bon voyage,
a start given to contestants; "I was there with my parents at the kickoff" Synonyms: kickoff, start-off,