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serviceman 意味

発音記号:[ 'sɜ:vismən ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: servicemen   



  • secret serviceman . left of the stage .
    ステージ横の シークレットサービスだ
  • suzusan ! be nice to our serviceman .
    すずさん! 兵隊さんに乱暴は!
  • a general , a secret serviceman .
    長官や 大統領警護人
  • sir , handing over an american serviceman to foreign jurisdiction is a violation of our status of forces agreement .
    領土外管轄におけるアメリカの軍人の 受け渡しは地位協定違反に なります
  • in february , 782 , the following year of the enthronement , yamato no otohito , a shijin (a lower rank officer of the imperial or noble families , used as a guard or miscellaneous serviceman ) of kawatsugu , was captured after he entered the palace wearing weapons .


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