shaped 意味
{形-1} : 成形{せいけい}した、加工{かこう}した -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : (複合語{ふくごうご}で)~の形をした Heart-shaped chocolate is popular on Valentine's Day. バレンタインにはハート型のチョコレートが人気だ。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【レベル】9
and it was shaped a bit like pamela anderson . 曲線がパメラ・アンダーソンのボディのようなね given who we were and how life had shaped us 私たちが何者で人生にどう左右されてきたかを踏まえて it was the threat of terror that shaped their lives . “テロ”の脅威の影響をまさに受けた has really shaped our history and our character . それらは私達の歴史と特徴を形作っています。 because , as you can see , it was crescent shaped . この地域は 三日月の形をしており that designers have really shaped for themselves . デザイナーが 自分たちのために始めました and the starshade is a very specially shaped screen スターシェードは特別な形状のスクリーンで very much shaped the way she saw the world . 祖母の世の中の見方の大部分を 形づくりました and they do show that our perceptions have been shaped 知覚は現実を隠蔽すように and then somehow it gets shaped into something . それから詳細な形がつくられていきます
Adjective having the shape of; "a square shaped playing field" Adjective shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort); "a shaped handgrip"; "the molded steel plates"; "the wrought silver bracelet" Synonyms: molded , wrought ,