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shared 意味



  • shared


  • we have to have a shared intimacy , a shared vision
    親しい関係を保ち 考え方を共有する
  • we have to have a shared intimacy , a shared vision
    親しい関係を保ち 考え方を共有する
  • i got social interaction through shared interest .
  • in fact , when i know the data that's being shared
    どんな情報が共有されるのか 知った上で
  • that reasons from shared evidence to conclusions
    プロセスとコミュニティに 参加することは
  • kyoto station was shared with the governmental railway .
  • deep down , all of us have shared blood in our veins .
    結局どこかで 血の繋がりがある
  • and you're building a sense of shared purpose .
    共通の目的を認識する という方法をとります
  • i knew you saw me too and shared my love .
    お互いが見つめ合い 愛情を分かち合っていたと確信した
  • it was cool , and they just shared the stories
    最高でしたよ みんな 色んな話をしてくれました
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • have in common; held or experienced in common; "two shared valence electrons forming a bond between adjacent nuclei"; "a shared interest in philately"

  • Adjective
  • distributed in portions (often equal) on the basis of a plan or purpose
    Synonyms: divided, divided up, shared out,

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