the curves have that kind of mathematical smoothness 曲線には数学的な なめらかさがあります
milk is combined with chicken soup to add smoothness and richness . 鶏ガラの出汁とともに、牛乳を加え、まろやかさとコクを加えるもの。
the color of kuzumochi is transparent to translucent and it has a unique texture with smoothness and elasticity . 色は透明~半透明で、ぷるんとした独特の食感がある。
it contains a property which interferes with sugar crystallization , so smoothness can be maintained by adding it to food with a high sugar concentration . 砂糖の結晶化を阻害する性質があるため、糖分濃度の高い食品に添加することで、滑らかな口当たりを保つ事が出来る。
people are tempted to drink too much of it because of its smoothness and become sick as it contains 14 to 17 percent alcohol , which is equal to seishu . アルコール度は清酒と同程度の14~17度にもなるため、口当たりのよさがあだとなってつい飲み過ごして悪酔いしやすい。
because passengers usually take the backseats of a taxi , appropriate safety and smoothness for entering and exiting are required , and thus vehicles for taxis must adapt to the safety standards for road trucking vehicles (hereinafter referred to as " the safety standards " ) set by the ministry of land , infrastructure , transport and tourism . 後部座席に旅客を乗せて営業するためそれ相応の安全性・乗降のスムーズさが求められることから、車両が国土交通省の道路運送車両の保安基準(以下、保安基準と略)に適合していなければ運用できないことになっている。
he stressed the importance on smoothness throughout the process of composing a linked verse; he wrote a collected papers on renga " renga shihosho " and a lot of books including a book on administrative code , a dictionary of administrative code , and commentaries on classics , some of which including a commentary on " genji monogatari " " johasho ," and a commentary on " sagoromo monogatari " " shitahimo " are extant . 連歌の円滑な進行を重んじ連歌論書『連歌至宝抄』を著したほか、式目書・式目辞典・古典注釈書などの著作も多く、『源氏物語』の注釈書『紹巴抄』、『狭衣物語』の注釈書『下紐』などが現存している。
the quality of being free from errors or interruptions; "the five-speed manual gearbox is smoothness personified"
the quality of having a level and even surface; "the water was a glassy smoothness"; "the weather system of the Pacific is determined by the uninterrupted smoothness of the ocean"
the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner Synonyms: suavity, suaveness, blandness,
a texture without roughness; smooth to the touch; "admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs"; "some artists prefer the smoothness of a board"
powerful and effective language; "his eloquence attracted a large congregation"; "fluency in spoken and written English is essential"; "his oily smoothness concealed his guilt from the police" Synonyms: eloquence, fluency,