spasmodically 意味
- {副} : 発作的に、突発的{とっぱつ てき}に
- cough spasmodically 発作的{ほっさてき}に咳をする
- move spasmodically けいれんする、けいれんを起こす
- quiver spasmodically けいれん的に震える
- spasmodic(ally) spasmodic(ally) 発作的 ほっさてき
- spasmodic yawning あくび発作、けいれんあくび
- spasmodist {名} : 発作的{ほっさ てき}な人
- spasmodic winking けいれん性のまばたき
- spasmogen spasmogen スパスモーゲン[医生]
- spasmodic twitching 痙性攣縮{けいせい れんしゅく}
- spasmology spasmology 痙攣学[医生]; 痙攣論[医生]
- spasmodic turbidity current spasmodic turbidity current 突発性渦流[基礎]
- spasmolygmus {名} : しゃっくり
- Adverb
- in spurts and fits; "I began to write intermittently and spasmodically"
- with spasms; "the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner"
Synonyms: jerkily, jerkily, - in spurts and fits; "I began to write intermittently and spasmodically"
- with spasms; "the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner"
Synonyms: jerkily, jerkily,