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sternly 意味

発音記号:[ 'stə:nli ]  読み方:


  • sternly


  • later kondo sternly rebuked him for it .
  • quickly and amicably , yet sternly .
    かつ 厳然と 処理をするようにとの伝言です
  • also , an opinion was expressed that ' such conjectures must be sternly denounced from the gender studies ' viewpoint .'
  • on the following day , his father , mother and older brother found toyoo have a dubious treasured sword , and they sternly asks him how he got it .
  • i sent the clinic a sternly worded email from the irs demanding the donor's tax id number and threatening to review their charitable status if they didn't answer quickly .
    私は 寄付金提供者のidを要求する メールを国税庁から送りました 私は 寄付金提供者のidを要求する メールを国税庁から送りました 迅速な回答がなければ
  • i sent the clinic a sternly worded email from the irs demanding the donor's tax id number and threatening to review their charitable status if they didn't answer quickly .
    私は 寄付金提供者のIDを要求する メールを国税庁から送りました 私は 寄付金提供者のIDを要求する メールを国税庁から送りました 迅速な回答がなければ
  • the eldest son takanobu succeeded as the heir , but she struggled in conflicts with her father-in-law shigenobu , who attended once again to government affairs as tadanobu ' s guardian , and in coping with the edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ), which treated christians and the matsura clan sternly .


  • with sternness; in a severe manner; "`No,'' she said sternly"; "peered severely over her glasses"
    Synonyms: severely, severely,

  • with sternness; in a severe manner; "`No,'' she said sternly"; "peered severely over her glasses"
    Synonyms: severely, severely,

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