i tried the office , and they're just stonewalling me . オフィスは何も 教えてくれないし
the way this guy's stonewalling . maybe he's in on it . 私が思うに此奴が妨害してる 多分 彼はぐるよ
i got nothing on this guy . he's stonewalling and he's good . 彼は慎重で 言葉尻もつかませない
and she's stonewalling wheeler . それにウィラーに嘘を
if he's smart enough to know that , he'll just keep stonewalling us . もしいろいろ知っているのなら ずっとだんまりを続けるわね
the state department's been stonewalling us on our request to send a team in . 国務省に引き延ばされてる 俺たちの要求が
commander ,if you insist on stonewalling me , i can take this to a higher command level . 話す気がないなら それ相応の手段を取るわよ
are you stonewalling the general 'cause it's good for the team here , or are you protecting the woman who popped you out lo these many years ago , huh ? チームの為 将軍を妨害してるのか 何年も前に捨てられた母親を かばいたいだけ 違うか?
stalling or delaying especially by refusing to answer questions or cooperate