and one i've seen summarized most succinctly here マレーシアのビジネスインサイダー紙に
to get at the issues quickly and succinctly . 問題を素早く簡潔にとらえる力
and this was most succinctly put to me by my primary school math teacher in タンザニアの小学校時代に算数の先生だった
shuzo kuki succinctly stated in his book that a distinctive feature of " iki " is that bitai is spiritualized by idealism-inspired " ikiji ." 九鬼周造はその著書において端的に「理想主義の生んだ『意気地』によって媚態が霊化されていることが『いき』の特色である。」と述べている。
in addition , this term denotes the doctrinal basis of the jodo shinshu (the true pure land sect of buddhism ), one of the traditional schools of japanese buddhism , and highlights shinran ' s religious faith most succinctly . また、日本仏教の宗派の一つである浄土真宗の教義の根幹を指す用語であり、親鸞の信心の特徴をあらわすもっとも端的にまとまった用語である。
with concise and precise brevity; to the point; "Please state your case as succinctly as possible"; "he wrote compactly but clearly" Synonyms: compactly, compactly,
with concise and precise brevity; to the point; "Please state your case as succinctly as possible"; "he wrote compactly but clearly" Synonyms: compactly, compactly,