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syllabus 意味

発音記号:[ 'siləbəs ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: syllabuses   



  • for some reason , there's no standard syllabus
    どういうわけか テクノロジーについての教科書や
  • animal farm ? sasha , that's not even on the syllabus .
    それ 授業要項にも載ってないわよ?
  • it was the suggested syllabus for dealing with
  • it is essential to this part of the syllabus .
    この科目のこの箇所を学ぶうえで これは不可欠なことです
  • the syllabus doesn't mention even the fact that we're naked
    シラバスでは 人間に毛が無い理由どころか
  • the blating disregard for the school syllabus
    破れた授業要項 見たわよ
  • can i look at your syllabus ?
    講義要旨を 見せてくれる?
  • it's on the syllabus . well ..
  • listen , i could take you day by day through my entire syllabus , but that's not just how i do things .
  • you all should've receive a copy of the syllabus along with a list of general guidelines and appropriate expectations .
    あなた方全員は摘要の コピーを受け取るべきです 一般のガイドラインの リストに加えて そして 適切な期待
  • もっと例文:  1  2


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