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tale 意味

発音記号:[ teil ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: tales   


  • allegorical tale    allegorical tale 寓意小説 ぐういしょうせつ
  • awesome tale    恐ろしい話
  • banbury tale    〈米俗〉うそっぱち、作り話
  • believable tale    信じられる話
  • believe a tale    話を本当{ほんとう}だと思う
  • cautionary tale    訓戒的な物語{ものがたり}、訓話{くんわ}
  • charming tale    魅力{みりょく}のある[すてきな]話[物語{ものがたり}]
  • credible tale    信用{しんよう}できる話
  • currency by tale    計算通貨
  • disjointed tale    とりとめのない話
  • epic tale    叙事詩的な物語{ものがたり}
  • exciting tale    面白{おもしろ}い物語{ものがたり}
  • fairy tale    fairy tale 童話 どうわ 伽話 とぎばなし フェアリーテール 御伽話 お伽話 おとぎ話 おとぎばなし
  • fairy-tale    {形} : おとぎ話のような、夢のような
  • fanciful tale    夢のような話


  • she could be spinning a fairy tale about president hathaway .
  • relevance to taketori monogatari (the tale of bamboo cutter )
  • he can no longer understand a fairy tale , a fairyland
  • yugiri , the oldest son of genji (the tale of genji )
    夕霧 (源氏物語)源氏の長男。
  • there is no description about this year in the tale .
  • it's even more like a fairy tale than hanayashiki .
    花やしき以上に メルヘンなんだけど。
  • it's a very , very sad fantasy tale of a winter's day .
  • every fairy tale needs a good oldfashioned villain .
    童話には昔ながらの 悪役が必要だ
  • it was a fairy tale , and then we retired .
    ビジネスはとてもうまく行き 今はリタイアしています
  • did you ever read her a fairy tale like that ?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a trivial lie; "he told a fib about eating his spinach"; "how can I stop my child from telling stories?"
    Synonyms: fib, story, tarradiddle, taradiddle,

  • a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program; "his narrative was interesting"; "Disney''s stories entertain adults as well as children"
    Synonyms: narrative, narration, story,

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