for example , ecchu fundoshi seem to be utilized by the patients who suffer from atopic dermatitis because a rash can be averted thanks to their looseness and lack of elastic , and by the men who suffer from sterility based on the rumor that because they don ' t adhere to the body and they breathe well , they are suitable to the natural features of japan with high temperature and high humidity and good for the body , and that they have the effectiveness to keep the temperature of the testis moderately and increase the number of sperms . ゆったりとしていてゴムがないため、かぶれを回避できるなどの理由からアトピー性皮膚炎を患う患者や、ブリーフのように体に密着せず通気性があることが高温多湿な日本の風土にも合っていて身体に良く、精巣の温度を適度に保ち精子数を増加させる効能もあるらしいとの評判から不妊に悩む男性に利用されているようだ。
one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away" Synonyms: testicle, orchis, ball, ballock, bollock, nut, egg,