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three-color 意味



  • {形} : 3色の[を用いた]
  • three color    {形} :
  • three attributes of color    色の三属性{さん ぞくせい}
  • three color printing    
  • three color theory    三原色説{さんげんしょく せつ}
  • three-color printing    3色版{さんしょくばん}
  • three-color process    three-color process 三色印刷法 さんしょくいんさつほう
  • three-color printing (red and yellow and blue)    three-color printing (red and yellow and blue) 三色版 さんしょくばん
  • color    1color, 《英》 colour n. (1) 色, 色彩; 色合; 絵の具; 血色; 紅潮; 本当らしさ, 見せかけ; 口実; 特色. 【動詞+】 Women in native dress added color to the scene. 土地の民族衣裳を身につけた婦人たちがその場の光景に色どりを添えた It is basically an accurate a
  • color in    色を塗る
  • in three    三拍子{さんびょうし}で
  • no. three    no. three 三番 さんばん
  • on three    いちにのさん◆タイミングを合わせる掛け声のことで、on the count of three とも言う。 Is everyone ready to run? OK, on three, get going. One, two, three! みんな走る用意はいいか?オーケー。1、2の3で出るぞ。1、2の3!
  • three     three n. 3, 3 個. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the Big Three of modern French literature 現代フランス文学の 3 大家. 【前置詞+】 come into flower in twos and threes ぽつぽつ花が開く the rule of three 〔数学〕 比例算, 三数法.
  • three on three    スリー?オン?スリー
  • for three days and three nights    3日3晩(の間)


  • lidded cinerary urn: lidded jar with three-color graze (cinerary urn ) and stone container for cinerary urn with three-color glaze , (excavated from nagoso , koyaguchi-cho , hashimoto city , wakayama prefecture )
    三彩釉骨壺・石櫃 和歌山県橋本市高野口町名古曽出土
  • lidded cinerary urn: lidded jar with three-color graze (cinerary urn ) and stone container for cinerary urn with three-color glaze , (excavated from nagoso , koyaguchi-cho , hashimoto city , wakayama prefecture )
    三彩釉骨壺・石櫃 和歌山県橋本市高野口町名古曽出土
  • iemochi liked sweets , such as yokan (a bar of sweetened and jellied bean paste ), rock candy , compeito (confetti ), castella sponge cake , monaka (a wafer cake filled with bean jam ) and three-color sweets .
  • before the tensho era , however , chinese potters and their successors , who had techniques such as sansai (a three-color glazed pottery technique ) and the cochin ware technique , had already started manufacturing pottery during the middle of the 16th century .
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