because his hair is always completely unkempt like this どの写真を見ても髪がこう
some unkempt cursive from my mother . 筆記体の手紙を 楽しみにしていました
by the way , the ghost with unkempt hair apparently really exists . ちなみに 乱れ髪のお化けは本当にいたそうだよ
by the way , apparently the ghost with unkempt hair really exists . ちなみに 乱れ髪のお化けは本当にいたそうだよ
on a subsequent occasion he went to the lord chamberlain leading a miserable , unkempt dog , old and decrepit , with bald patches on its body , and said , ' here is another of your sublime pictures !' 後日に、尨犬の浅ましく老いさらぼひて、毛はげたるをひかせて、「この気色尊くみえて候」とて、内府へ参らせられたりけるとぞ。
on a subsequent occasion he went to the lord chamberlain leading a miserable , unkempt dog , old and decrepit , with bald patches on its body , and said , ' here is another of your sublime pictures !' 後日に、尨犬の浅ましく老いさらぼひて、毛はげたるをひかせて、「この気色尊くみえて候」とて、内府へ参らせられたりけるとぞ。
not properly maintained or cared for; "an unkempt garden"; "native vistas and unkempt rambling paths"; "an ukempt appearance"